

Habilitation („docent“ degree) in English Linguistics. 

Habilitation thesis: Classroom interaction in English language teaching in higher education: A conversation analysis perspective – published in Czech as Tůma, F. (2017). Interakce ve výuce anglického jazyka na vysoké škole pohledem konverzační analýzy. Brno: Masarykova univerzita.

Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague

2009 – 2012 Ph.D. degree in Philology – Foreign language teaching


Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague

2004 – 2008 Mgr. (Master’s) degree in Teaching English and Informatics at lower-secondary schools


Faculty of Education, Technical University of Liberec

Work experience

Since 2016 Department of English and American Studies, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, Brno (2016-2017: external cooperation, 2017-2019: assistant professor, since 2019: associate professor)


  • Seminars for Master’s students: Syllabus, lesson and course design; Language acquisition, Research methods
  • Supervisor of diploma theses and Ph.D. dissertations
  • Guarantor of the Upper Secondary School Teacher Education in English Language and Literature programme
  • Principal investigator in a Czech Science Foundation grant (18-02363S): Classroom interaction in frontal teaching and groupwork in EFL classes in upper-secondary schools 
Since 2017 Department of Education, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, Brno (2017-2019: assistant professor, since 2019: associate professor)


  • Seminars in general didactics and research methods in education
  • Supervisor of bachelor and diploma theses
  • Research team member in a Czech Science Foundation grant (19-06763S): Ethnography of Diversity in Pre-Service Teacher Education
Since 2012 Institute for Research in School Education, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, Brno (2012-2015: postdoctoral researcher, 2015-2017: assistant professor)


  • Research in the fields of classroom interaction, ICT in education, learner language, teacher expertise and foreign language didactics
  • Principal investigator in a Czech Science Foundation Grant (GAČR GA15-08857S): Classroom interaction in English language teaching in higher education
  • Seminars for Ph.D. students: Research methods in foreign language didactics (I, II), Psycholinguistics
  • Seminars for Master’s students: Methodology for students preparing for doctoral studies
  • Consultant of Ph.D. dissertation projects and supervisor of diploma theses (foreign language didactics, ICT in education)
2008 – 2012 English Department, Faculty of Science, Humanities and Education, Technical University of Liberec (assistant)


  • Seminars and lectures on foreign language didactics in bachelor’s and master’s courses and lifelong learning programmes
  • Work on grant projects (see below)
  • Supervisor of diploma and bachelor’s theses and final papers in lifelong learning programmes (topics: foreign language teaching, ICT in education)
  • General English and medical English courses (CEFR A2-B2 levels)
2007 – 2011 Lecturer at Language School Bareš, s. r. o., Liberec


  • General and business English (CEFR A1 – B2 levels)
2006 – 2007 Lecturer at Liberecká Language School, s. r. o., Liberec


  • General, business and IT English (CEFR A1 – B2 levels)

Academic internships abroad

2021: University of Jyväskylä (Finland) – Visiting Fellow Programme (3 months)

2019: Mälardalen University (Sweden) – School of Education, Culture and Communication (2 weeks)

2018: University of Gothenburg (Sweden) – Linnaeus Centre for Research on Learning, Interaction and Mediated Communication in Contemporary Society (LinCS), Department of Education, Communication and Learning (1 week)

2017: Augsburg Universität (Germany) – Erasmus+ academic mobility (2 weeks) 

2016: University of Helsinki (Finland), Faculty of Behavioral Sciences, Center for Research on Activity, Development and Learning (CRADLE) – postdoctoral internship (6 weeks)

2014: University of Helsinki (Finland), Faculty of Behavioral Sciences, Center for Research on Activity, Development and Learning (CRADLE) – postdoctoral internship (6 weeks)

2013: Paderborn Universität (Germany), Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften, Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik – postdoctoral internship (4 months).

2012: Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Turkey) – visiting scholar (1 week)

2009: Högskolan Kristanstad (Sweden) – visiting scholar (2 weeks)


Foreign languages

English (C2), Russian (B2),  German (B1), Finnish (A1), French (A1)


Grant projects

Grant GA ČR 19-06763S: Ethnography of Diversity in Pre-Service Teacher Education (research team member; principal investigator: dr. Obrovská, 2019-2021)

Grant GA ČR 18-02363S: Classroom interaction in frontal teaching and groupwork in EFL classes in upper-secondary schools (principal investigator, 2018-2020)

Grant GA ČR GA15-08857S: Classroom interaction in English language teaching in higher education (principal investigator)

Grant GA ČR P407/11/0234: Expert Teacher: the nature of expertise and determinants of professional development (in FLT perspective) (2012 – 2013, member of research team, principal investigator: M. Píšová)

ESF grant CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0009: Employment of newly graduated doctors of science for scientific excellence (2012-2015 employed as a postdoctoral researcher)

Grant  TUL no. 5842/2011, 2012: Blended learning in higher education and developing communicative competence in English (2011-2012, with Z. Šaffková)

Higher Education Development Fund, grant no. 421/2012: Videorecordings in the analysis of micro-teaching performances as a tool for developing the competences of EFL teachers (principal investigator)

ESF grant CZ.1.07/2.2.00/18.0026: Author of online courses in foreign language didactics: 10/2011 – 03/2012 (main administrator: J. Šmída)

Grant  TUL no. 5842/2011: Blended learning in higher education and developing communicative competence in English: 02/2011 – 11/2011 (with Z. Šaffková)

Grant TUL no. 5832/2010: Feedback in the process of developing communicative competence through discussion forums: 02/2010 – 11/2010 (principal investigator)

Grant FP TUL no. 68/2009: Innovative items in continuous assessment in e-learning EFL courses: 03/2009 – 11/2009 (principal investigator)

ESF grant CZ.1.07/1.3.03/02.0021: Lecturer in lifelong learning courses for EFL teachers (Authentic texts, Authentic songs, Authentic videoclips in EFL classes): 10/2009 – 05/2012 (main administrator: T. Kasper)