
Here is a list of websites and services that I visit or use regularly or that I find interesting or useful.

Tools (not only) for writing

Zotero – citation manager

Macmillan Dictionary

Oxford Dictionaries – creates word clouds

ReCal – reliability calculator

Sources of information and selected personal websites

Orbis scholae, Pedagogická orientacePedagogikaStudia paedagogika – „top four“ Czech journals publishing educational research – includes selected full texts of works by, for example, L. S. Vygotskij, A. N. Leontiev or G. H. Mead

S. D. Krashen

E. A. Schegloff (conversation analysis)

Conversation analysis

EM/CA wiki – a database of studies, links to other resources

Transana – a very useful programme for qualitative analyses of video-recordings

oTranscribe – a web-based interface for transcribing audio- and video-recordings (free of charge)

Foreign language learning

BBC Languages Audiotrainer